"I Would Like to Have My Hormones Checked, Please"
Understanding Your Hormones: When Should You Get Tested?
Wondering if you need your hormones checked? While hormone testing is available and can be helpful, it's not always necessary. Learn when testing makes sense, especially during perimenopause and menopause, and why working with your doctor to understand your specific symptoms is key to making the right choice for your health.
Is Everyone Talking About Hormones?
There is a lot of interest in hormones these days, you have probably seen the posts on social media. We have many women coming in Concierge Medicine of West Michigan to discuss having their hormones checked or to ask to have a hormone panel run.
Can we check hormones? Absolutely.
Can this be helpful? Definitely.
Does everyone need to have their hormones checked? No.
Let's Talk About Those Hormonal Changes
Women's hormones fluctuate throughout their whole lives. As women enter perimenopause and menopause, these fluctuations do change and this can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Vaginal dryness
- Mood swings
- Brain fog
- Joint pain
- And more
When these symptoms start, this is often when women want to have their hormones checked. But let's think about those fluctuations again. While we can do a blood test at any time to determine your level of estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH and other hormones, these tests will only tell us what your levels are on that specific day at that specific time. This can be helpful depending on what is being evaluated but one day of lab work isn't always super useful.
When Do You Really Need Hormone Testing?
The transition to menopause typically starts in a woman's mid 40s, average age of 47, though this is variable. Women over 45 who have the classic symptoms of menopause listed above do not need to have hormone testing as having a new hormonal disorder is not likely.
Think about it this way: Not everyone needs to have their hormones checked to determine if they are starting to go through perimenopausal and menopausal changes. This is similar to going through puberty. If you started having a period at age 11, no one thought you needed hormone testing to see if this was normal. But if you reach age 18 and have never had a period that is a perfect reason to check hormone levels! As that is not normal.
Important Questions to Consider
One last thing to remember when asking about hormone testing with your physician, what hormones are you wanting checked? There are a lot of hormones we can check on lab work but which we choose to order should be based on symptoms and what we are looking for.
This is why having a close relationship with your primary care physician is so important. Being able to take the time and go through a conversation about what is best for you as an individual is invaluable.
If you are wondering if hormone testing is indicated for you, set up an appointment with Concierge Medicine of West Michigan where we have the time to spend with you on your symptoms and concerns and come individualize a plan for you to have your questions answered.
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